The Next Few Weeks…

22 10 2007

The next few weeks in my life are going to be rough. I have many new things happening in my life. I’m getting all my shit together. Anything before Now, is forgotten and in the past. My life begins now, and not before. From this moment on my life begins a new. Things will work out. They have to. I know it.

Sooooo High

17 10 2007

I really am not getting into anything, but I need to post this in my log. I love life under the influence. Especially, you guessed it; Pot. My outlook on life changes and everything is good. Also, i re-fal in love with my favorite band everday; The Beatles.

Good Night America.

15 10 2007

Time flies. Iim up late tonight, outside with my iPod listening to music and gazing at the stars. I look back when I was little, I didn’t have a care in the word. Everything was great nothing mattered. I had a best friend, which was also my neighboor. Now he moved, into college, hell, I’m going in soon too. Head first mind you. It’s almost winter again and it one year off my life again. It will never be October 15th 2007 ever again. Hell, i remember when it was becoming the new millemium. I realized now that I’m trying to live in the past and it’s stupid. I need to move on but honestly I’m afraid and I’m trying to preserve the past, you know, when I was young and nickelodeon had good shows on. The days before drugs, sex and violence. The days the way i saw life for how it should be. Not how it is.

15 10 2007

I really do not know why I write in here. I really do not know why I do anything. Is there a purpose for writing. Is there a purose for anything in the world? Everyone is set up for you. Grow up, go to school, get a job, make a family, etc. But why does everyone follow this. Every commercial, advertisment, picture, or slogan is all set up to sell you something. This something is not the product though. It is a mental being. It sells you comfort and support. It finds your weakpoint and attacks it until you give up and surrender your wallet. Don’t be mad at them though. They only take your money so they can buy their own comfort and support. Most are fragile; except I. I have seen this, grown from this. You need to look at the big picture. Do what you need, what you want, what you like. You are you, you can never be something else. Be happy, feel happy, know happy.

Life in Retrospect

15 10 2007

    This weekend was some trip. Not a trip like you would expect, but more a life rendering experience. I rethought a lot of things in my head. What i used to do, and what I ought to be doing. To be honest, things are going to change, mostly for the good. As i feel the cool October air enter my room I only realize that the changes are going to be made for me and nothing else. I feel like a new me, not a new person.

Tomorrow I can only say that i will speak my mind, respect others, be nice, watch my own health and well being as for everyone else i come into contact with. No one will enforce my choice. My choice is my choice and is my life. I came to an Epiphany last two days. Drugs aren’t the answer, but my new found inner calling really is. I can only hope this is the great one.